How to Cruise

The tawaaf is a seven-stroke journey. The Hajj or Umrah begins with the tawaaf of the black stone, and the haraam house is on the left of the one who roams and heals, ie, he is quick to walk with the approach of walking in the first three steps, In each of the remaining four rounds, each part of the black stone begins and ends with a mustache for the Hajj or Umrah to be printed, especially in the tawaaf of qadum.

And how to impression: to make the Taif center of the garment under his right shoulder, and the ends are placed on his left shoulder, and left his right shoulder exposed, which is special for men only, and imprints the impression (which is the disclosure of the right shoulder) in the tawaaf of the arrival and Umrah only, Something on it.
Umrah Package December 2017

And the stone of Ishmael is part of the Kaaba to make the tawaaf inside. Rather, the tawaaf must be outside the stone of Ishmael. When you finish the seven steps, place your garments on your shoulders. Then go to the shrine of Ibrahim and read the words of Allaah. The first is after al-Faatihah (Say, O ye disbelievers), and in the second surah (Say: "Allah is one"). This is behind the place of Abraham, to facilitate this for you. Otherwise, separate it in any place in the Sacred Mosque.

It is mustahabb to receive the black stone with your hand and accept it when it is possible, and whoever can not receive it and kiss it is indicated by his hand from his place where he stands, saying: "In the name of Allah and God is greater, O Allah, believe in you, and believe in your book, and fulfill your covenant and follow the year of your Prophet Muhammad And it is forbidden), and people do not contend with them in order to kiss the stone, because this is not lawful


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